Three Advantages of Mulching the Base of Your Trees

One of the best characteristics of trees is that they do not need much to grow. As long as they receive adequate hydration and nutrients from the soil, they will thrive. However, with Australia's erratic climatic changes, particularly when the weather swings from summer to winter, your trees can experience a harsh beating. And if they are still young, these inclement weather patterns could end up affecting their growth. Not to mention the current drought that is spreading can also take a toll on the amount of moisture they are receiving. If you are keen on keeping your trees healthy, you should consider mulch. Although mulch is primarily used to enhance soil fertility for grass growth, it can also provide numerous benefits to your trees. Here are three top advantages of mulching the base of your trees.

Mulch can facilitate moisture retention for the roots

The first advantage of routinely applying mulch at the base of your trees is that this organic matter provides a protective barrier against dehydration. When the temperatures start to rise, you will find the soil in your yard is becoming exceedingly dry. Even if you engage in regular irrigation, the earth can quickly become parched once the sun is overhead. When you begin mulching around the base of your trees, the matter prevents evaporation from occurring. Thus, there is adequate moisture trapped in the soil to replenish the roots of your trees.

Mulch can aid in temperature regulation

Another benefit of opting to mulch the base of your trees is that this organic matter can be extremely useful in temperature regulation. Although trees are resilient plants, extreme temperature changes can significantly affect their wellbeing. Frosty winters and scorching summers can have an adverse effect on root health, and this will subsequently influence the overall condition of the entire tree. It is best to mulch the base of the trees to avoid exposing the roots to these sudden temperature changes, particularly during extreme weather changes. The much functions as an insulating barrier that allows the roots to flourish no matter what the ambient temperature is. Take note that this insulation barrier is especially critical to saplings, as their young roots may not be able to survive harsh temperatures.

Mulch can mitigate the spread of weeds

Weeds are not exclusively harmful to small plants. The health of your trees can also be compromised when weeds overrun your yard as these plants absorb all the nutrients from the soil. Rather than have your yard infiltrated by weeds, it is advisable to start mulching the base of your trees. The mulch will form a barricade against the weeds and limit their ability to deplete the nutrients from the soil around the tree's root system.

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How Landscaping Can Improve Your Property Hello! My name is Cindy. I have decided to start a new blog which will detail the ways in which landscaping the grounds on your property can improve the way it looks and its value if you decide to sell. Before I called in a team of landscaping contractors, I had no idea about the benefits of landscaping. However, I was really unhappy with the way the grounds of my property looked. The team were great and they helped me to plan how I wanted to change the grounds. I learnt a great deal and I hope by sharing it with you I can help you to landscape your property.

