Maintenance Measures to Keep Your Mower Parts at Optimum

Problem with your mower can be incredibly frustrating. Whether it is refusing to turn on or if it is mowing your lawn unevenly, it can be an inconvenience when your yard is unruly. Nonetheless, what you may not realise is that lack of maintenance is what could be causing your mower's deterioration. You may think that getting rid of the caked soil on the blades or the clumps of grass on the mower itself is sufficient maintenance but the truth is you need to take other steps to keep the equipment in good condition.

The following are a few of the additional maintenance measures to adhere to if you are to keep your mower parts at optimum.

Periodically check the tyre pressure

A typical oversight some people make with their mower is not checking if the tyres have adequate pressure. If the tyres start to lose their pressure, you will find that your mower is cutting the grass unevenly. Not to mention that you will also find handling the mower will gradually become a challenge. So long as your mower is fitted with pneumatic tyres, it is imperative to routinely check the pressure and inflate the tyres as needed for a flawless mowing experience.

Routinely drain the leftover fuel

If you do not mow your lawn on a frequent basis, it is advisable to ensure you drain out the fuel before you put the equipment into storage. It may seem inconvenient to carry out this task each time but keep in mind that the longer the fuel remains untouched in the tank, the higher the likelihood that will thicken. When the fuel starts to thicken, it is only a matter of time before it begins clogging the fuel line, and this will result in decreased performance. It is best to take the time and empty the tank to be on the safe side.

Habitually inspect and replace the air filter 

Your mower's filer is critical to smooth functioning as it prevents debris from making its way to the engine. However, some people tend to forget about this component and instead focus on keeping other internal mower parts clean. If the air filter is clogged, you will find that it is difficult to start your mower. Additionally, your mower will also begin to run rough due to the filthy air filter. It is essential to take the filter out a couple of times during the year for cleaning. You should also inspect it for any signs of visible damage, as these holes will allow dirt to infiltrate your mower and decrease its lifespan.

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How Landscaping Can Improve Your Property Hello! My name is Cindy. I have decided to start a new blog which will detail the ways in which landscaping the grounds on your property can improve the way it looks and its value if you decide to sell. Before I called in a team of landscaping contractors, I had no idea about the benefits of landscaping. However, I was really unhappy with the way the grounds of my property looked. The team were great and they helped me to plan how I wanted to change the grounds. I learnt a great deal and I hope by sharing it with you I can help you to landscape your property.

