How to Make Sure That Your Turf Is Treated like a Dignitary

If you're in the middle of a complete yard renovation, you may have stripped all your plants, shrubs and even the grass out by its roots so that you can create a fresh, new look. Most of your garden area is taken up by grass, and you've got to pick the right replacement if it is going to thrive in this typically harsh environment. Once you've made your decision, how do you look after this particular type of turf?

Arise Sir Walter

You may not be familiar with the various options available, but you might have heard of Sir Walter. This is a native-bred grass that is often referred to as Australia's 'favourite'. It's very hardy, can adapt to most environments and will grow virtually anywhere. If you have young kids or four-legged friends, then you'll be glad to hear that the turf is non-allergenic, and it makes for a great play environment due to its smooth consistency.


Before you order any of this grass, make sure that you have prepared the ground properly so that it will be accommodating. Remove any loose impediments, stones, roots or weeds and add some nutrients to provide the best host environment.

Care and Maintenance

Once your new turf has been laid, you must take note of the proper maintenance schedule. You will need to introduce fertiliser (especially in the early days) and water it according to the grower's advice. Make sure that you mow it regularly, as this can improve the consistency of the turf and make it more resistant to harsh weather.

Crucially, make sure that you aerate the soil from time to time, as this helps water and oxygen to reach the roots, which fosters stronger growth. If you don't, the soil can become compacted over time, especially if there is a lot of play activity on top. Compacted soil inhibits air and water, and this will lead to disease, if you're not careful.

When to Aerate

Many people choose to use a special lawn aerator to do this, and the best time is early summer or late spring. You may only need to do this once per year, but it is nevertheless crucial to the health of your new garden. However, if you notice any moss accumulation or a buildup of thatch, then you may need to increase your schedule.  

Keeping an Eye on It

Just remember to add another layer of fertiliser after you have finished your irrigation, and you should be ahead of the game. Ask your turf supplier for any additional tips to help you look after Sir Walter as carefully as possible.

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About Me

How Landscaping Can Improve Your Property Hello! My name is Cindy. I have decided to start a new blog which will detail the ways in which landscaping the grounds on your property can improve the way it looks and its value if you decide to sell. Before I called in a team of landscaping contractors, I had no idea about the benefits of landscaping. However, I was really unhappy with the way the grounds of my property looked. The team were great and they helped me to plan how I wanted to change the grounds. I learnt a great deal and I hope by sharing it with you I can help you to landscape your property.

