Working New Soil Into Your Landscaping Project

One of the most important aspects of landscaping is the soil. The type of soil you have will determine what kind of plants will grow best, how well they will grow and how healthy they will be. If you're starting a new landscaping project, you may be tempted to just use the existing soil in your yard. However, that's not always the best idea. Here are five tips for working new soil into your landscaping project.

Test your soil first

You can't just assume that the existing soil in your yard is good enough for your new landscape project. You need to test it first to make sure. A simple pH test will tell you what kind of amendments you may need to work into the soil to make it more hospitable for plants.

Amend your soil as needed

Once you've tested your soil and determined what kind of amendments it needs, it's time to get to work. If you're working with a small area, you can probably do this by hand. But if you're working in a large area, you may need to rent a tiller or other type of equipment.

Add organic matter

Whether you're using new or old soil, one thing it always needs is organic matter. This can be in the form of manure, compost, leaves, or any other type of decomposing plant material. Organic matter helps improve drainage and aeration while also providing nutrients for plants.

Use mulch to protect your soil

Once you've worked all the amendments into your soil and planted your landscaping project, it's important to protect it with mulch. Mulch helps prevent erosion and keeps weeds from taking root. It also helps the soil retain moisture, so your plants don't dry out as quickly during hot weather.

Water regularly and deeply

Finally, water it regularly and deeply once your landscaping project is complete. Deep watering will encourage roots to grow deep into the ground, where they can access more moisture and nutrients. It also helps prevent shallow rooting, leading to drought stress and other problems.


Properly preparing your landscape's soils is crucial to the success of your project. No matter if you're starting from scratch with new soils or working with existing ones, by following these five tips, you can be sure that your project will have a strong foundation that will encourage healthy growth for a long time to come. For more information about soil supplies, contact a supplier today.

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About Me

How Landscaping Can Improve Your Property Hello! My name is Cindy. I have decided to start a new blog which will detail the ways in which landscaping the grounds on your property can improve the way it looks and its value if you decide to sell. Before I called in a team of landscaping contractors, I had no idea about the benefits of landscaping. However, I was really unhappy with the way the grounds of my property looked. The team were great and they helped me to plan how I wanted to change the grounds. I learnt a great deal and I hope by sharing it with you I can help you to landscape your property.

